5th Grade Culmination

We look forward to celebrating our fabulous fifth graders and our wonderful school community with all of you!
Based on questions we are receiving, here is some additional information to help you navigate the last week of school.

When and where is the culmination ceremony?
2024 Franklin Culmination will take place on Monday, June 10th, at 8:45 a.m. on the big yard. 

Where can I park for culmination?
Two-hour parking rules have been relaxed around campus.
The Idaho parking lot is for teachers and staff parking only.

What time and where should fifth graders arrive on Monday, June 10th?
All fifth graders should enter from the Montana side of the school through the front office and proceed to the auditorium.
- 8:00 a.m. arrival time for fifth graders playing instruments at the ceremony so they can set up and tune.
- 8:15 a.m arrival time for all other fifth graders.

Where do guests enter for the culmination ceremony?
The Idaho West Gate will open at 8:15 a.m. for guests to enter, mingle, and have coffee and snacks before the ceremony. Each guest will need a ticket for entry. The ceremony is open seating.  At 8:35 a.m., guests will be allowed to take their seats. 

How many people can I bring to the culmination ceremony?
Each fifth grader will be given four (4) tickets for parents and guests. The teachers will distribute physical tickets to students in June.  Each guest must present a ticket at the gate. If extra tickets become available, parents will be informed. 

Can siblings who attend Franklin attend the culmination ceremony?
Younger siblings at Franklin will be given a special sibling pass from Ms. Hynding to attend the culmination ceremony, so the four (4) tickets given to each fifth grader do not need to be allocated to younger Franklin siblings.

How long is the culmination ceremony?
Culmination will last from approximately 8:45 a.m.-10:00 a.m.  

What should my child wear to the culmination ceremony?
Students should dress appropriately for their age and the occasion. Girls may wear dresses, skirts or slacks, and boys may wear slacks and a nice shirt. Please no jeans, shorts, spaghetti straps, t-shirts, crop tops, or stiletto heels. Students will be walking up and down stairs and standing on risers.

Please remember to put sunscreen on your child.

Can I order leis and flower bouquets for the culmination?
Leis and flower bouquets will be available for purchase through Viola Floral at https://violafloral.com/products/franklin-culmination 
The deadline to order is Friday, June 7th.
The leis and bouquets will be available for pickup the morning of graduation at Franklin, and may be given to the students after the ceremony. 

Will the culmination ceremony be live streamed?
Yes!  South West Video, Inc. will be live streaming our culmination ceremony. The link to view the live stream is: https://bit.ly/Franklin_2024_Culmination 

Will the culmination ceremony be recorded?
Yes!  South West Video, Inc. will be recording our culmination ceremony, so you can sit back and enjoy it without camera phones blocking the view. 
The link with information about purchasing the edited videos is here: https://bit.ly/Culmination_Videos 

What happens after culmination on June 10th?
School is in session on June 10th until 3:00 p.m. After culmination, children may return to their classrooms and can change into something more casual if they wish. If you wish to take your children out of school early, by Friday, June 7th please complete and return the form that will be distributed prior to culmination indicating that you will do so. You may also sign out your children after culmination at the Idaho gates or the front office, where school staff will have sign-out sheets. Please note that your children will receive an unexcused absence if they are signed out from school early.

What is happening on June 11th?
The fifth graders will celebrate their years at Franklin at a student-only party on the front lawn with a DJ, great food, a photo booth, games, and more from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. To make this a success we need help from volunteers, sign up here.

What is happening on June 12th?
At about 3:00 p.m., fifth graders and their families are welcome to gather at Annenberg Community Beach House (415 PCH) to celebrate the end of school. Bring beach gear and a picnic for a fun afternoon together. This is not a school-sponsored event. 
June 12th is a minimum day for all. Grades 1-5 dismiss at 1:30 pm. TK and Kindergarten dismiss at 12:15 p.m. 

When will the children receive their memory books?
Every student will receive a PTA funded Memory book from their teacher on June 4th or 5th. There will be an opportunity to sign each other’s books at that time.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out to the culmination, Sevara Alimova & Jessica Levin at 2024Franklinculmination@gmail.com